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An exceptional documentary, Les Dessins d'Yves Saint Laurent by Loïc Prigent is an exclusive immersive and intimate glimpe from the perspective of Pierre Bergé, into the creative world of the couture designer through his numerous sketches. It's the perfect opportunity to rediscover his bold and elegant drawings with revolutionary style, but also to see drawings that have never been seen before, including a notebook of poems written and illustrated by the 14-year-old adolescent from Oran, Alegria that he was. A gem of a documentary, it's both sensitive and moving - to be savored.
Pro-Life, directed by John Carpenter, written by Drew McWeeny & Scott Swan, tells the story of a young girl trapped inside a clinic, who discovers the only thing more dangerous than her pursuers is the demonic secret that she carries within her. Ron Perlman, Mark Feuerstein, Emannuelle Vaugiere and Caitlin Wachs star.
貌不惊人的沙厂老板向腾辉(王宝强 饰)曾经是一名技术精湛、潜力无限的格斗选手,但因听信教练的话吃了违禁药品遭到禁赛,之后更因伤人锒铛入狱。从此他远离擂台,离年少时的梦想越来越远。偶然机缘,向腾辉在江湖骗子的帮助下重新接触格斗,成立了一个少儿格斗俱乐部。他跑到偏远山区找来了野蛮生长打架抢劫的未成年儿童,教他们打拳挣钱,更为赚钱不择手段打假拳。而在这狼奔豕突的岁月里,向腾辉从孩子们的身上看到了自己当初的影子,他更不愿意少年们重新过回偷鸡摸狗的绝望日子。为此,他义无反顾带着少年走上了与命运抗争的八角擂台……  本片以四川凉山“格斗孤儿”的真实事件为蓝本改编。


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