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Austin, a musician and singer and Ally, a songwriter, are paired up unexpectedly but rely on their two best friends, Trish and Dex, to keep things together. Austin and Dex decide to record one of Ally's songs without her knowing and post it on the internet. Austin becomes an instant sensation. Austin begs Ally to expose herself as the writer and write him another song, but instead they pair up for a totally talented pop duo!
夜深人静,郊外某所大房子的阁楼内却灯火通明。这时汤姆的工作间,他正通宵达旦设计一个铺鼠系统,复杂的设计图呈现在黑板上面,汤姆仍在做着最后的运算。当完成最后一步时,汤姆心满意足拖着疲倦的身体回到床上,脑中不断浮现与财大气粗的投资人签约、批量生产捕鼠系统最后成为一代富豪的美好景象。伴随着交替而出的幻想,汤姆进入甜甜的梦乡。  就在这时,黑板上那只老鼠的草图竟然动了起来,它画了根绳子溜下地面,找到并叫醒熟睡中杰瑞,希望让他知道汤姆的设计将是多么可怕的一件事。杰瑞和草图鼠急忙展开行动,而黑板上的草图猫则目露凶光要吃掉他们……


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