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泰妍将担任《Queendom Puzzle》MC,5月公开参演艺人阵容,6月首播。
本美术片为木偶动画片。  大胖和小胖是一对双胞胎,由于长得几乎一模一样,奶奶也时常把他俩认错,但兄弟俩性情有异,大胖老实听话,小胖调皮捣蛋。一天,兄弟俩吃完早饭开始做作业,大胖埋头解题时,小胖却盘算着去踢皮球,并趁大胖不注意溜了出去。大胖害牙病,和奶奶商议照过相、找回小胖后去看牙医。小胖在马路上踢皮球时打翻了货郎的摊子,慌忙逃走,货郎却将迎头碰上的大胖当作了肇事者,并找来警察要大胖给他个说法。小胖偷偷溜回家中,被奶奶抓住要带他看牙医。兄弟俩的故事在不断被人认错中热闹起来。
One a bright spring day before a school trip, Semi, falls asleep on one side of the classroom, and suddenly awakens in tears over an ominous dream. She runs to Ha-eun, who is in the hospital after injuring her leg in a bicycle accident. Semi and Ha-eun are best friends. The film depicts a special day between the two. A spring day, puppy love, jealousy, friendship, small misunderstandings, shameful confessions, anxiety and wacky wit, red nose tips and ears, or the heels and dead skin cells in dreams, the verdant hill behind the village and the yellowish sunset—every small thing that makes up the world gathers up here and creates an unexplained and brilliant atmosphere, completing a kind of dreaming vision. The Dream Songs is full of vitality even in its sad moments.

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