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这是在砂糖苹果指引下相遇的少女与妖精,用他们的梦想和爱情谱写的美好童话故事。 在这个人类奴役妖精的世界里,人们相信砂糖点心会带来好运。 因此在这里,制作神圣砂糖点心的特殊手艺人被称为“银砂糖师”。 在...
安静的小院里,慈祥的大狗史派克正在为宝贝儿子泰克唱摇篮曲。伴着父亲的歌声,泰克进入甜蜜的梦乡。史派克对儿子关爱有加,甚至都不希望小鸟的歌声打扰儿子的睡眠。可是,这个世上偏偏有两个不知趣的家伙经常破坏他们父子的生活。没错,他们就是汤姆和杰瑞——一对从早到晚都在追跑打闹的欢喜冤家。汤姆在追杀过程中不慎打到史派克,结果吓醒了泰克,而泰克受到惊吓后不断打嗝。愤怒的史派克警告并赶走了汤姆,然后继续哄儿子睡觉。  可是,汤姆和杰瑞的帐还没算清呢!他们俩继续上演追逐战,在这一过程中,泰克不断被吓醒打嗝,这一切都让史派克郁闷不已……
The story opens in Balochistan, in a small, scarcely ‘wired’ village bordering Iran and Afghanistan. Ahmad is an idealistic teacher in exile, educating the local community; his partner Haseeba, however, has spent time in jail in Tehran for the very same offence against the State. The disaccord between them is not only social but also personal. Ahmad's destiny collides with that of a family fleeing the Taliban; soon the intricate divisions of age and gender within that group will trigger other problems and entanglements – including a 'lovers on the run' intrigue that fleetingly recalls Murnau's classic Tabu (1931).  Across all the arresting, shifting peripeteia of its plot, Abbas Amini's film deftly dramatises the complicated question of commitment: do we commit ourselves to a political cause, a set of religious beliefs, or a person? And how do we negotiate the commitments of others, even those closest to us, when they are based on a very different value system?  With its sparse music score, densely naturalistic acting and unostentatious camera work, Endless Borders is almost a minimalistic suspense thriller (with Hitchcockian overtones), combined with a heated family melodrama – but it never loses sight of the serious and extremely timely issues that it raises.  源自:


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