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法政部的高级化验师Tim Sir(欧阳震华 饰)学识广博,有赖于他高超的物证检验手法,屡破奇案。手下兼好友阿Sam(林文龙 饰)亦是一名出色的法医,最近他准备和相恋多年的女友汀汀(钟嘉欣 饰)正准备结婚。阿Sam的好友Ivan(郑嘉颖 饰)刚从英国回来,在一次炸弹危机中安全引爆了炸弹了,令到Tim Sir对他另眼相看。这时,扫毒组的高级督察马帼英(佘诗曼 饰)和一班手下正在追查香港大毒枭戴贵,戴贵逼走了香港的另一个毒枭石头勇而独霸了整个香港市场。正当扫毒组和法证组合力追寻到戴贵的手下和国外毒贩交易,准备将得意洋洋的戴贵捉捕时,戴贵所乘坐的汽车竟然爆炸了。恰巧这时汀汀和Tim Sir的女友——重案组高级督察小柔(蒙嘉慧 饰)经过,爆炸令汀汀死去,小柔重伤。正准备结婚的阿Sam闻之消息后悲痛欲绝。帼英调到了重案组任职,她怀疑戴贵的爆炸案是石头勇回来报复所致,于是开始着手调查。正当案情胶着时,冥冥中阿Sam似乎得到了汀汀的提示,终于找到了石头勇犯案的证据…
电视动画片《狼与香辛料 merchant meets the wise wolf》根据支仓冻砂的小说《狼与香辛料》改编。
Mari (Marina Vlady) runs a boardinghouse for girls who are in trouble, and Juli (Lili Monori) is a young married woman who is fleeing her passionate marriage with an uncontrollable alcoholic. She has brought her young daughter along with her. Though this is not allowed under the house rules, Mari makes an exception for Juli. Both women are desperately unfulfilled - Mari has a narrow-minded and passionless man for a husband, and Juli still loves her husband, whom she recognizes as a person she cannot continue living with. The two turn to each other for comfort, and each woman gains necessary insights into her own life in seeing the other's struggles. This sober movie by feminist director Marta Meszaros was not a rousing box-office success.


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