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本美术片为木偶动画片,音乐用的是京剧配乐。梁山好汉黑旋风李逵,善用两把板斧,专拿贪官污吏和无耻小人。这里说的是李逵下山,在山路上的一段巧遇。  半山腰上,李逵遇到拦路抢劫歹徒,歹徒要他留下买路钱,并自称自己是李逵,李逵三五下将歹徒打趴,歹徒露出真面目,原来他叫李鬼,因为无甚本事,可是又想孝敬家中九十岁老母,才出此下策,李逵心生怜悯将他饶恕,并丢下黄金一锭,要他去做正当买卖,李逵不知的是,这李鬼实为无耻小人,他和娘子一个山上一个山下专做非法敛财的买卖,要侍奉年迈老母不过是他为了活命,随口扯的谎话。
NUMB3RS is a drama about FBI agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), who recruits his mathematical-genius brother, Charlie (David Krumholtz) to help the Bureau solve a wide range of challenging crimes in Los Angeles. The two brothers take on the most confounding criminal cases from a very distinctive perspective.    Inspired by actual cases, the series depicts how the confluence of police work and mathematics provides unexpected revelations and answers to the most perplexing criminal questions.    A dedicated FBI agent, Don couldn't be more different from his younger brother, Charlie, a brilliant mathematician who, since he was little, has yearned to impress his big brother. As a seasoned investigator, Don deals in hard facts and evidence, whereas Charlie, a math professor at a California university, functions in a world of mathematical probability and equations.    Now, despite their disparate approaches to life, Don and Charlie are able to combine their areas of expertise and solve some killer cases.


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