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During a visit to friends, Sara begins having visions and is attacked by an unearthly creature in her friend's swimming pool; she soon discovers that anyone who comes into contact with the water is in danger and she is driven to confront the mystical and malevolent creature lurking in the depths.
上映:1977年地区:中国大陆 颜色:彩色 时长:20分钟 类型:动画片故事梗概:   抗日战争时期,北方农村有一个名叫小牛的少年,在党的领导下,参加对敌斗争。有一次,八路军交通员马叔叔送情报给游击队,路上遇到了鬼子和伪军。小牛机智地引开了敌人,使马叔叔脱了险。游击队根据马叔叔送来的情报,定好了夺取敌人武器的计划。小牛接受了游击队交给他给敌人当“向导”的任务,巧妙地把敌人引入了芦荡深处游击队的伏击圈,配合游击队缴获了鬼子的一大批武器,全歼了敌人。

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